Ofsted and Performance

Following Ofsted's inspection of Outwood Academy Normanby on Tue 27 Feb 2024, we were rated as Inadequate.

This was the first inspection since joining Outwood Grange Academies Trust in September 2019.

The inspection identified the significant progress that Outwood Academy Normanby has made since September 2019 and also highlights key areas for the continued improvement of our school. Ofsted has determined that due to the progress of our school it now requires improvement in three of the key areas, however the judgement for behaviour and attitudes is inadequate. This is because of the conduct of a minority of students. When a school is judged to be inadequate in any one of the four key areas it is determined to be inadequate overall, as is the case with our school.

We have demonstrated that Outwood Academy Normanby is an improving school, and is well supported by leaders within the Outwood Grange Academies Trust. Inspectors believe that our school will continue to improve and is therefore considered to have serious weaknesses and so does not require Special Measures.

The very many strengths and progress identified during the inspection are testament to the hard work of our staff, students and families. The next stage of our continued improvement journey requires those same groups to work together to ensure all students are able to benefit from our strong curriculum, teaching and support.

Inspectors identified three key areas for improving our school:

- The school should ensure that it improves the consistency with which staff implement the school’s behaviour policy. More significantly, with support from the trust, it should ensure that it sustains a rigorous and central focus on improving the behaviour of those pupils who consistently fail to behave in an appropriate manner.

- The school should continue to reduce the time that many pupils spend out of lessons owing to their poor behaviour and/or persistent absence.

- The school should ensure that it provides all pupils with a wide range of enrichment opportunities that are integrated meaningfully into the school curriculum.

As a trust and school we have identified the steps we will take to continue the improvement seen by Ofsted. These actions build on our existing innovative work to ensure every student has the opportunity to succeed and thrive.

Key Stage 4 Performance Data

Progress 8 score-1.34
Attainment 8 score34.7
Grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSEs30%
Entering EBacc12%
EBacc average point score2.88
Staying in education or entering employment83%
Covid-19 Recovery Adaptation

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

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