Start of Spring Term - 6 January 2020

Mon 30 Dec 2019

We are looking forward to welcoming students and staff back to the academy on the first day of the spring term, Monday 6 January by 8.20am prompt, at the latest. We are grateful to parents in their strong support ensuring excellent student attendance and punctuality. Students (and parental cars) are expected to be over the purple line at the entrance on Normanby Road by 8.20am, when students start to make their way into classrooms ready for Period 1 that starts at 8.25am. A reminder that there is no morning registration period at the start of the day, but instead this VMG session is from 10.25-11.00am.

Whilst attendance is improving from historical levels at the predecessor school, there is a considerable way to go yet, to ensure the very best life chances for all our students. If you need support from the school ensuring your child attends every day, please get in touch with Mrs Fletcher, our Regional Director of Attendance via, your son/daughter’s Learning Manager or the Principal, Mr Wappat.

For more about how much attendance matters, and for information please visit our website page here:

Please do not book any form of family holiday or trip during term time, as it is extremely rare that any leave of absence requests will be deemed as exceptional circumstances. To help with booking holidays out of term time, all term dates are always on our website here:

Thank you for your support, as we work in partnership to ensure the very best education and future opportunities for young people in Eston and Normanby. It is appreciated.

Andrew Wappat