Updated Guidance from 17 May 2021

Sat 15 May 2021
Changes to National Guidance on the Wearing of Face Coverings in Schools

As you will no doubt be aware, at the start of this week on Monday 10 May, the Department for Education (DfE) updated its guidance to schools regarding the wearing of face coverings in schools.

This guidance now states that from Monday 17 May it is no longer necessary for students in secondary schools to wear a face covering. The guidance was also altered to state that school staff are now only expected to wear a face covering in communal areas and in corridors where social distancing cannot be achieved. We will of course support any of our staff who choose to continue to wear a face covering.

To be clear, this means that from Monday 17 May 2021 your child will no longer need to wear a face covering in school. However, if they would prefer to continue to wear a face covering in corridors and communal areas, then this is of course perfectly acceptable.

Please be aware that our other control measures, including additional cleaning, hand washing/sanitising and year group ‘bubbles’ will remain in place in school in line with national and DfE guidance and in line with the school’s revised COVID risk assessment that can be found on our website.

Thank you in anticipation of your continued support, which has been fantastic throughout the pandemic.