Year 11 MasterClasses

Mon 28 Jun 2021
To support our Year 11 students to transition to their next steps, teachers from across Outwood Grange Academies Trust have planned over 100 Masterclasses which will be delivered remotely in many different subject areas, delivered by teaching staff from across all our schools. We also have sessions delivered by our independent careers advisory partner, Careers Inc.

This is a new and exciting offer for Year 11 students and is available to all Year 11s whether they are transitioning to A-level study, moving into the world of work, starting an apprenticeship or still unsure. We firmly believe that this comprehensive programme has something for everyone.

How do students access the Masterclasses?
The link to our Year 11 Masterclass Google Site is now available here and goes ‘live’ on Monday 7 June. Please also watch the promotional video below explaining how the Masterclasses will be accessed and the types of sessions on offer. The site is very easy to navigate and students can choose which sessions to opt into but will need to complete the registration form so we can track their progress and engagement.

Does my child need to book onto the Masterclasses?
The simple answer is no. As the sessions are either delivered on Google Live or are pre-recorded, students do not need to pre-book. They can merely join at the appropriate time or access the pre-recorded sessions at a time that suits them.

How do students know which Masterclasses are available and when?
The full Masterclass schedule will be published on the Google Site which will be sent out on Monday 7 June. However, the timetable for week commencing 7 June is already available and is later down this webpage. We will use our usual social media accounts to promote the classes regularly and hope that your child is able to join the sessions they are interested in.

We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of our great support and teaching staff to put this programme together. They have worked hard to ensure all our students are provided with the very best opportunities. The Masterclass Programme is a great example of how our staff, across the whole Trust, continue to find ways to ensure our students have the very best opportunities made available to them.