Opportunity for Y9 and Y10 students to participate in the School Infection Survey - 25 November

Wed 25 Nov 2020
Parents of Year 9 and 10 students are invited to take part in the Covid-19 Schools Infection Survey.

The Office for National Statistics and Public Health England want to find out how many pupils and staff have
COVID-19 infection, how many have already developed antibodies against the virus and how this changes
over the course of the year. The information we collect will help inform policies to protect our pupils and

The study is open to pupils in years 9 and 10, and we would welcome parents to complete an online
consent form and a short questionnaire about your child and all other household members. Once this is
completed, your child will be enrolled into the study.

The study workers will visit our school Wednesday 9th December to collect a simple non-evasive nasal swab and an oral fluid (saliva) sample to test for the virus and antibodies. The last day to register your child for this testing date will be Sunday 6th December.

Please find further information and a letter containing instructions on how to register your child letter below.

If you have any questions, please contact the IQVIA helpline on 0800 917 9679

Thank you for contributing to this important study.