Year 9 Guided Pathways Information Evening on Tuesday 18 January 5pm

Thu 13 Jan 2022
Invitation to Year 9 Guided Pathways Information Evening - Tuesday 18 January 5pm-6.30pm

I trust that you and your family are well. I am writing to invite you to our Guided Pathway Information Evening that takes place next week on Tuesday. This is an important part of our programme of support, information and guidance for our Year 9 students, as they prepare for the start of their GCSE studies.

We believe the curriculum we have here at Outwood Normanby demonstrates flexibility, engagement and the promotion of high quality outcomes for our young people. Students have made one of their subject choices already - the Health & Wellbeing course that began in September of their Year 9. Students are now in a position to further personalise their curriculum by making additional choices for Year 10. We are delighted to be able to offer an innovative curriculum, which enables students within our academy to fulfil their potential and develop the all-important knowledge, skills and qualities which will serve them well in later life.

Year 9 students had an assembly yesterday with myself and Mr Wappat which introduced them to their subject choices, and they were provided with an information booklet which explains our curriculum intent for all. Where a student was absent, we are posting a copy of the booklet home today.

Please can I urge you to ask to see the booklet, and spend time with your child reading the information provided. In short, all Year 9 students will choose to study either History or Geography, and then one more subject choice from a list of eleven qualifications. This is an important decision for your child, as it will not only determine their timetable for the remainder of their school life at Outwood Normanby, but it will also guide their path of study post-16, and employment opportunities beyond.

To enable your child to make the very best decision, we are hosting an information evening for Year 9 parents/carers and students which we strongly encourage you to attend. This evening will begin promptly with a presentation at 5.00pm to discuss the options available and our Guided Pathways process. After the presentation, you and your child will have the opportunity to meet with Heads of Department from each subject area to discuss information and guidance on the different courses available. We really hope to see you all on Tuesday evening.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me via if you have any questions at all.

Yours faithfully

Miss Christy Gibson
Assistant Principal