Spanish Speaking Exam (Y11) - Tuesday 11 February

Sun 02 Feb 2020

Students in Y11 following GCSE Spanish have a Speaking Exam on Tuesday 11 February. Parental support in encouraging practise and preparation, and understanding the demands is greatly appreciated. Details about what happens during the exam and expectations are listed below. For further details please contact Ms Ritchie, Spanish teacher via

Total Exam Time: Foundation approximately 5-7 minutes, Higher approximately 10-12 minutes.

Worth 25% of the final examination marks!

In the exam students have 12 minutes preparation time (in the presence of an exam invigilator) to prepare for a role play on a given scenario, and to describe a photo card and answer some other questions.

When the speaking test the starts:

  • Student reads out role play notes, and answers an unprepared question
  • Student reads out photo card notes, and answers 3 ‘surprise’ unprepared questions
  • Student answers a series of questions on a topic (that s/he has prepared and revised, prior to the day of the exam)
  • Student answers a series of question on another, given theme (that you should be familiar with, from lessons)
¡Buena suerte!