Free school meal e-vouchers over Easter - 31 March 2020

Fri 20 Mar 2020

We have made the decision to also provide e-Vouchers for each week of the two week Easter holiday, in addition to those issued during the normal term time, which we started on Monday 30 March. This will be at the rate of £2.30 per day, including over Easter. At the moment, we expect this addition to be at the school’s expense, but we firmly believe we should do everything we can to support parents at this difficult time, and given the challenges faced in collecting offered free school meals from the academy last week. In line with the government’s recent announcement, the value of the e-vouchers will increase to £3.00 per day from the day after the Easter break, ie week commencing Monday 20 April 2020. We are all adjusting to the drastic measures needed to fight Covid-19, and every little helps.

We trust that parents of students eligible for free school meals received their text links to supermarket selection for e-vouchers and that the process has run smoothly. Colleagues at the school worked hard on Friday last week to set this up, and on Monday were in phone contact with the small minority of parents where it wasn’t quite working. Parents are still struggling can email Mrs Smith, Officer Manager/Principal’s PA on and she will be in touch.

Stay safe.