Changes to student entry times and base classrooms from Monday 7 June

Wed 02 Jun 2021

There are some changes to staggered entry points and times that all students need to be aware of. We continue to follow precautions to minimise the spread of Covid-19 and will ensure that students from different year groups do not mix within the building.

Entry times are as follows:
Year 7 - entry from 8.10am
Year 8 - entry from 8.15am
Year 9 - entry from 8.10am
Year 10 - entry from 8.15am

Please see the maps below which show entry points and times for students from Monday 7 June. All students will enter and exit the academy via the main student gate to the right of the building.

Year 7 classrooms remain in the same place on the ground floor and will enter and exit the building via the external door at the end of the corridor.