Covid-19 Home Testing

Sun 20 Jun 2021

We have provided Covid-19 LFT home testing kits to students and staff and continue to encourage all students and staff to take tests twice per week, recording the results as directed with NHS Test and Trace via this website: “” or by calling 119. Results must also be recorded on the Academy GoogleForm here: “”.

LFT tests must be taken at home (NOT on school premises).

If a positive result is returned from an LFT test, the whole household must self isolate. The positive individual must then take a confirmatory PCR test. If this is also positive, the household must continue to self-isolate for 10 days.

Please be aware that Lateral Flow Tests are only suitable for use where users are NOT showing any symptoms of Covid-19.

Please be aware that Lateral Flow Tests (LFTs) are for those who are NOT showing symptoms of covid, so who may be asymptomatic. Please DO NOT send your child into school if they or and members of the household are showing any signs of Covid-19. The household must self-isolate and book a test by ringing 119.

If your child requires more testing kits, please contact reception who will be able to provide them.

Thank you for your ongoing support as we try to keep our staff and students safe.