Changes to Covid-19 Risk Assessment and Academy Organisation from 21 June

Fri 18 Jun 2021
Our key priority remains keeping students and staff safe by following SAGE’s system of controls to minimise the risk of spreading Covid-19. Our aim continues to be to reduce the number of clost contacts should a positive Covid case be confirmed. Alongside colleagues in Outwood Grange Academies Trust, we have reviewed our system of controls with a view to maximising the effectiveness of the school day, while maintaining total compliance with government guidance.

You will appreciate the challenges we have faced whilst managing Covid, establishing new routines and ways of working to ensure we are minimising risk whilst supporting our students and enabling effective teaching and learning across the academy. The last ten months have been particularly challenging for our teachers, who have been required to move classrooms every hour, going to the students in different year group classrooms across the academy in order to limit student movement. We are now at a point where we are able to return teachers to their curriculum teaching areas, and support students in moving between lessons. This step will begin to establish a more ‘normal’ routine, whilst still maintaining all other control measures.

In summary:

  • Teachers will return to their teaching classrooms in curriculum areas and students will move to teachers from Monday 21 June
  • Staggered entry points and Tutor rooms will remain the same to support year group distancing – all information on website here
  • Staggered break times, where a single year group is on break only will remain in place
  • Staggered lunch breaks with year groups maintaining separate bubbles will remain in place
  • Our Risk Assessment has been updated to reflect these changes and has been published on below and available here
We ask that you share this information with students and encourage them to continue to support the measures in place.

Please also ensure that you are supporting your child in undertaking twice weekly Covid tests with LFT tests provided by school, ideally on a Wednesday evening and Sunday evening. We rightly have been asked by the Government to continue to remind you about this. Please ask at reception if you need more home testing kits. Full details about home Covid testing can be found on our website here

Thank you for your ongoing support, it is greatly appreciated.