Online Live Lessons - from Monday 4 January 2021

Mon 04 Jan 2021

All Years – Live Lessons/Registrations from Monday 4 January 2021

As parents will be aware from this letter texted during the Christmas holidays, all students will be working from home via ‘Live Lessons’ with their teachers starting on Monday 4 January until at least February half-term. The first session is at 8.25am, with students joining their Tutor in their usual Tutor/Registration group. The only students in school will be a small number of vulnerable and critical worker children, by prior arrangement.

  • In the week commencing Monday 4 January, students in Years 7-11 will follow their usual timetable, joining ‘Live Lessons’ in turn, by going into each Tutor/Subject Google Classroom, and clicking on the Google Meet link that will be posted ONLY at the very start of the lesson.
There is information for those students in Years 10/11 who were due to sit examinations in January/February, and parents have been contacted by text with details.

Teacher Absence

The vast majority of lessons will be ‘Live’ with the teacher in person. Where there is teacher absence due to illness, there may be the occasion where work is set in a GoogleClassroom for students to follow independently, and then submit online when complete. We will communicate this to the students in their Registration period where relevant.