Government announcement regarding staggered reopening in January - 31 December 2020

Thu 31 Dec 2020

Yesterday evening, the 30 December, the government announced changes to the start of term in January and has advised that secondary schools in England would reopen in a staggered way over the first two weeks following the Christmas holidays.

However, the academy will still be open from Monday 4 January, as previously scheduled, for students classed as vulnerable and children of key workers from within any year group. All other students in Years 7-11 will receive their learning remotely via ‘live’ lessons and registrations, and they will be expected to engage fully with this. Thank you to parents in anticipation of your support in ensuring that your child continues with their learning after the Christmas break.

For the week commencing 4 January, in order to facilitate ‘live’ lessons, all students will have their Break from 9.45-10.00am and their Lunch from 12.00-12.30pm.

From Monday 11 January, the school will be open for students classed as vulnerable and children of key workers and ALL of Year 11. All other students in Years 7-10 will continue receive their learning remotely for that week.

From Monday 18 January, the school will be open for ALL students in ALL year groups to return.

As usual, for students accessing learning remotely, all details and links to live lessons will be posted on Google Classroom. Timetables for remote learning will broadly follow each student’s usual timetable as in their planners. Reminder details also be posted on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts.

We would also appreciate your support in ensuring that your child has accepted all invites to their Google Classrooms and that you find some time over the final few days of the holiday to sit down with them and have them demonstrate their access to the various GSuite, including showing you the work that they have been set. This would also be helpful with other Apps we provide such as Sparx Maths (Year 7), Hegarty Maths and GCSE Pod Science (Year 11).

We understand that this start of term change is short notice and may inconvenience you but it is essential that we closely follow all Government guidance on COVID-19 in order to safeguard our students, staff and wider community.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us via but appreciate it is now the holidays and there may be a slight delay in replying.

We look forward to seeing your child for the start of term on Monday 4 January either in person (for students classed as vulnerable, children of key workers) or remotely via live lessons for all other students in Years 7-11.