Christmas Jumper Day on Wednesday 16 December - 8 December 2020

Tue 08 Dec 2020

On the last day of term, Wednesday 16 December, we are hosting a ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ in school to raise money for Whale Hill Community Centre Food Bank. This will support their vital work and make it possible for them to help even more people at this particularly difficult time of year for many. Students wearing a jumper may make a minimum donation of 50p upon entry to the school, but of course can donate more, or indeed donate even if they don’t have a Christmas jumper.

Students wanting to be involved should wear an appropriate Christmas Jumper, making sure incorporated humour is appropriate for a school setting. The Christmas jumper can be instead of a school blazer, or it can be in addition. All other school uniform should be worn, including shirt and tie.

We hope that this event will be as, if not more, successful than last year, and hopefully we will raise a substantial amount for this wonderful cause.

To be clear, students are to wear their full uniform, with a Christmas jumper to replace their blazer, if they want to be involved and donate. Students should, as ever, come fully equipped for school with homework done, exercise books and pen, pencil etc and not accidentally leave such things in blazers left at home!

Normal teaching and learning will take place on that day as you would expect.

Whale Hill Community Centre Food Bank relies on the local community to provide enough donations to stay open and to be able to keep helping people who are, unfortunately, unable to fully provide for their families, pets and themselves. If students, or parents/carers wish to donate directly to this cause, you are welcome to send in items via students by Friday 11 December (this week).

Alternatively parents can drop off donations into Reception, but we ask that you email in advance to arrange, and wear a face-mask/observe social distancing when coming to Reception.

You can read more about Whale Hill Community Centre Food Bank here: including how to access support for your family, and how to make further donations.